Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Pains in the back and lower

After a round of sweeping and cleaning in preparation for visitors during the near at hand holiday, I've had to take a brief rest from the world and recover from my aching back. Almost couldn't move Sunday afternoon and got through it with the help of Flexiril. This malady usually lingers for 36-48 hours depending on the amount of movement within that time. Anyway, returning to the fold after a brief and quiet interlude.

Let's see, a pro basketball dude jumped into the crowd and struck a fan this weekend and is now upset that they suspended him? What a jerk! Hell, I say ban him from the game for life!! The worms at NBC interviewed him and all he can do is plug a CD? Send this silly horse's ass to Mars. Ridiculous. Even more absurd is that the liberal news media is acting like it's some huge story. Wow, makes me want to attend a sporting event. Opinions? Use the comments.

"Rudeness is the weak man's imitation of strength."
-Eric Hoffer

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