Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Okay, so I am a little bit whiny today...(your forewarned)

Frequent visitors know that I think the CEO of COMCAST, Brian Roberts, is like unto Goofy; Mickey's buddy over at the mouse house. Yet, I think their delivery system for internet connectivity via cable in this area is really awesome. But...I have one network that goes straight to cyber netherworld if they drop service. It is bossed by a NT4 Server and has only 4 workstations attached during the normal course of a day. The client is most understanding, yet puzzled about this 4 times a year fiasco.

First your have to go through several hours of trying every start up option available. After learning to speak ipconfig fluently you must rest and take calming medication to recover. The next day you get to phone dance with the swamp rats in the ""technical"" help department of COMCAST which is apparently located on a hostile, remote island in the south Atlantic Ocean. All they know how to say is 'I can see you on my machine here' with noises of an angry native uprising in the background.

Granted, they do have a few people that are savvy, have ability and manners. Now that this has been mentioned Brian Roberts will probably put a bounty on these people and have them hunted down and eliminated. So my love/hate relationship with COMCAST continues. They have a great service and absolutely horrible CSRs with no manners answering the phone after a 10-20 minute waltz through the voice recordings.

Today I've ordered another router and will take extra blood pressure medication then tackle this network possession again. Who ya' gonna call? Ghostbusters? Or a Priest?

Peace out, my fellow geeksters.

"He is a true fugitive who flies from reason."
-Marcus Aurelius

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