Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Thursday, February 05, 2004

Thursday early ramblings

Slashdot posted a link to this interesting MIT article, Ten Technologies that Refuse to Die. Did you know that there is a laser turntable that plays old vinyl records? Great Googly Moogly, that excites me, but not to the tune of $10,000.00! If you are into things tech this is a kewl post.

K, I despise emails that say, "send me out to 5 friends or you don't love Jesus." My personal salvation is in the hands of Christ and depends on His forgiveness/my actions NOT the opinion of another human being that needs to worry about their own saving graces. Chain letters also drive me up a wall. Need I even mention some Nigerian trying to get gold out of the country? Yet I am soliciting your participation in this petition, EFF: RIAA Petition. The Electronic Frontier Foundation is a nonprofit organization that is defending our digital rights. Go read about it and then sign it. Help send the RIAA nazis on their way. Deport them to Mars.

Mailwasher.net is an awesome site that I have mentioned several times. This super-duper utility helps rid one's PC of SPAM mail. Been in use here for a year or so and helps keep my mailbox free of this stuff. Go read about it, download it, READ THE TUTORIAL and ease your email. Don't whine if you screw something up. No sympathy, no quarter. It's never failed me and installed with great ease (READ THE TUTORIAL!). There's links posted.

Hope Thursday is a day of fulfilled expectations!

"Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live."
-Mark Twain

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