Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Media Monkeyshines

What a hoopla about the Janet/Justin halftime whoop-tee-doo! Can I get a 'stop it n get a life' for the media folks? Let's see Budweiser had a dating out of species (a monkey and a young woman) commercial, a graphic horse farting commercial and a dog bites a man in the crotch commercial. All this aired during Prime Time Superbowl-la on the CBS-TV network Sunday night. Wonder how many millions of children across the world saw these up close and personal commercials, yet the media wants to harp about a long shot that was hardly noticed? The dirty dancing was way worse, although my ex-wife trained me to accept this style of dancing and any movie that has Patrick Swayze in it. No one has even mentioned the bumping and grinding, just the long shot of a millisecond worth of bare breast. Believe me I was watching!

Wish the media robustos would quit trying to find fault with everyone and everything. Oh well, that's what you get when you put a bunch of bleeding heart liberals (probably demoncrats too) in the center ring of a 'circus'. They just don't comprehend the world. Hell, they don't comprehend period! K, am outta here. Going to see if I can find a Michelob to drink this evening and an elephant or a giraffe or a rhino or a water buffalo or a lioness to date...

"Everybody's got something to hide except for me and my monkey."
-The Beatles

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