Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Monday, November 26, 2007

McRib, McRib, Wherefore Art Thou?

What a wonderful feeling to wake up in the middle of the night and realize the nose is not giving problems. Or to see that the thermometer is hovering around normal. I ate solid food for the first time in 4 days. Lunch at Mickey D's. Nobody likes Thanksgiving more than me and it just passed by without giblet gravy or dressing. Sounds like the Purple Giraffe had a great birthday celebration and we will still get together so that's something on the agenda that's pleasant.

Being sick sucks. I worked for an employer years ago that would go bonkers if someone stayed home with a cold. Well, let me tell you folks this approach is a grave mistake. Think about it. You force them to come to work and they are miserable and infection hovers around them while running a fever. Then EVERYBODY including the selfish boss ends up with the illness. For 3 winters I was sick with a cold ALL winter! We kept the disease alive by passing it around. Employers, make your people running fever stay home. Quit promoting disease!

Oh am I ever a woosie boy when it comes to illness. Warp whine kicks in and my bitch factor goes off the scale. Rest and chicken soup are all that happen around the beach house when illness strikes. A few days home and others don't have to experience the whiney boy drama. The recovery is accelerated and it seems that re-infection is not as likely, unless you see one of the people with which I used to work. If they sneeze or cough running the other way is the best bet. So it feels good to eat solid food.

Yes, I ran right out today and celebrated recovery by having a McRib Meal. Know what? I think my stomach is growling. Later

“A family is a unit composed not only of children but of men, women, an occasional animal, and the common cold.”
~ Ogden Nash

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