Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Long Time Ago in a Tishomingo Far Away...

It tires me to hear all the George Lucas wannabes trash his efforts, especially when most of them were first in line to see each episode of Star Wars. Thank you Mr. Lucas for giving us hours of fun, zoomy, mind boggling space adventure that will be watched again and again. Your efforts to tie everything together led to tremendous results. Magnificent. The Academy should acknowledge your genius. Now quit 'funning' us and tell us who will direct the next three episodes (7-9) that were on the ORIGINAL story boards!

The Beach House opted for the 3 CD version at Wally World and just had an absolute blast watching Anakin turn into Darth Vader. I don't think it is a spoiler to say that the climax of the movie was when Obi kicked his evil ass in the light saber battle. Wow! Reminded me of the excitement experienced when watching Flash Gordon battle Ming the Merciless between the two features every Saturday morning at the Tishomingo Theater. Then the dinosaur ride home to Paden was always fun.

May the force be with you.

"Great art picks up where nature ends."
-Marc Chagall

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