Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Faux Woes and Real Woes.

Sometime between 6:45AM and 10:12AM this morning Google News reverted back to it's original form. No settings were changed. It just happened. In the words of that great Vulcan philosopher Spock, "Interesting." Soon, this temporary Windows 2000 machine will be replaced by a Vista machine. That may clear up a lot of these tech heebee jeebees. It would still be interesting to know why these weird things have happened. My curiosity is not satisfied. But then, there's nothing like a little mystery in your relationship with a PC.

Solution for possible gas price increases; Pull out of Iraq and go next door to Iran. There's an interesting article about these jerks at BBC News. This country is horrible. They are responsible for many of the woes of the world. Seems we should deport every Iranian in our country and say to hell with them. If they work on atomics then bomb their facilities. Of course our administration to be will probably kiss their asses and this cowardice will go a long way to destroy the USA. Do I think Obama is the Anti-Christ? To answer this latest email...NO. Satan will have a more intelligent minion to fulfill this venue. On that subject - Nancy Pelosi is not the Anti-Christ either.

"The art of leadership is saying no, not yes. It is very easy to say yes."
~Tony Blair

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