Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Friday, May 12, 2006

Cells Destroying Cells?

Many years ago when just a lad my stint in the military introduced me to the world of TEDs and REDs. Even though my geekness was in place due to interest in amplifiers and electronic keyboards while in high school and college, being around large banks of transmitters and receivers solidified my quick run to ultra-nerdism. We used to do really whacky things especially with transmitters. We lit fluorescent tubes in our hands, even fried some stuff. We had a comm tech named Bob Renfree that could perform all sorts of magical things with Uncle Sam's equipment. He once said, "You know this sh--'s got to be dangerous; one day they'll use it as weapons." That thought has stuck with me. Why bring this up?

I've had two friends that died with brain tumors in the recent past. They both stayed on the cellphone constantly. After reading an article at the Age.com it seems the Australians are doing something about finding the truth concerning cell phone transmissions. The post is titled Phone tower cancer fears. Even though medical experts contacted by the journal claim there are no connections, five brain tumors in five people in one month seems more than a mere coincidence. C'mon folks, you are holding a transmitter/receiver to your head. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the connection. There's been talk for years this could be a problem. I am convinced it's real.

You can buy an earbud, headset, etc., and keep the phone on your belt, waist, or pocket while you talk. This is a very inexpensive item. So far the wired ones seem to make conversations even more clear than holding the phone to your head. Bluetooth is another matter. Haven't heard but one that was really clear and besides, it is a transceiver. Better than holding the phone to the ole noggin though. When driving or working these simple headsets free both hands. This has to be safer and possibly more productive. Get those transmission waves away from the brain which is busy firing electrical synapses. You can Google search about this topic and find many pros and cons. Now get to a Wal-Mart, Radio Shack, or phone store and start using one of these devices.

Weekend is almost here! Don't forget Mothers Day is Sunday. Have a casual Friday.

"A mother is a person who seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie."

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