Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Sunday, July 04, 2004

Happy 4th!

Microsoft has finally issued an update that patches the hole in Internet Explorer. Do your Windows Update. I patched it about 3 weeks ago by converting all my Windows machines to Mozilla and Firefox. Yeh, yeh there's the Active X issue, etc. Hey, haven't missed it a bit! Always liked Mozilla and made it resident browser on most of my Linux machines. Firefox seemed weak at first, but has improved. Nice looking browsers that are quick.

Another positive note is Gmail. It rocks so far. Easy to use and the way it groups messages is unique. Nice interface that is stoic and to the point. Down through the years I have come to expect no less from the nice folks at Google. Did you know that if you type the word 'define' followed by a word you don't know in the Google Web search bar it will look it up in the dictionary? Try it, you'll like it! Be sure and check out the American Eagle in their title bar today.

God Bless America and Freedom. Opponents? Doom on you...

"It is easy to take liberty for granted, when you have never had it taken from you."
-Dick Cheney

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