Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Shamed Scout

Some of the lowest bastards and bitches on earth are the RIAA and The MPAA. If upsetting old fashioned, common-sense values might anger you it might be a good idea if you don't read TehcDirt's article about how the MPAA is sponsoring a merit badge for the Boy Scouts of America which encourages them to act like Hitler's Youth Corp and turn in Mommy and Daddy if the are suspicious about them downloading.

Low, low scum and I am talking about the leaders of the BSA. If I had a child in this organization, removal from such Nazis couldn't be quick enough. The Scoutmaster might get a can of whupass opened on him as well. This info can be found all over the internet, but TechDirt's article is brief, intelligent and direct. It makes me ashamed that I was once a member of this organization.

Let's shoot for positive news tomorrow. It's so tiring to follow these jerks whose sole purpose in life is to make the consuming public miserable.

"Never go to bed mad. Stay up and fight."
-Phyllis Diller

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