Recently, there was a post here titled
My name is Bill and I want you to have this copy of Mandrake. Microsoft's recent attitude about witholding security fixes thinking it will stop piracy just won't fly. Such action will only spread malware everywhere. This is bad on many levels. Looks like my opinion is shared. The girls and boys over at big blue are dropping a large chunk of change into the Linux realm. The article is at Information Week and the title is
IBM Boosts Linux Desktop Efforts. The lead link about this was originally from BetaNews, but the Microsoft animated ad embedded in the middle of the article was so annoying I ditched it. Placed there on purpose? Who knows?
Ahhhh, Saturday morning. That means there's only two more afternoons to work this week. Must coffee up, collect my fuzzy thoughts and hit the techhelp boulevard for a while. Enjoy the weekend!
"If you build a better mousetrap, you will catch better mice."-George Gobel
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