Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Orchard Questions

Research is underway about installing Apple OSX Leopard on PC hardware. You can find the software at my favorite online supplier which is NewEgg. Instructions on how to install this operating system on a PC based computer is at OSx86. Several things bother me about stepping off into it and starting such a project.

First, is it legal? A Florida based company apparently thinks everything is hunky-dory when placing Apple's OS on a PC frame. Check out PsyStar. Look at this first page about the "Open Computer." In the #6 box in the cart window click the drop down arrow on the right. You'll see OS X Leopard 10.5 installed on the "Open Computer" for an extra 155 bucks. This brings the total price to $554.99. A considerable savings when you go to Apple's page and take a look around. Wow. Pricy, pricy. The legality issue needs further study. Do I really want to invest time and money in this project anyway? Will it change me into a bad person? Possibly. Read the #2 problem.

Second, when reading reviews at the above linked NewEgg I found what seems to be a typical Apple owner response. Here it is:

You NewEgg reviewers are morons. Seriously. Just the fact that you guys have tried running the Mac OS on a PC just testifies as to the kind of idiots you all are. Don't offend Apple by even associating with them. Apple users know the difference between a Mac and PC.

Speaking of morons, I don't want to be like this one. For years they've espoused all this garbage about their superior product and they still have only 3% of the market share in the computer business. Windows has somewhere around 90% depending on where you read. The most popular piece of software written for an Apple is Microsoft's Office Suite. Other software availability is meager at best. Apples are preferred by some print companies and some graphic designers. This said I personally know several graphic designers and they ALL use PCs. I also know of a local print company that has, at the very least, a 8 to 1 Windows to Mac ratio. Hold it, make that 2 local print companies, same ratio.

No doubt there are many good folks out there that use Apple machines everyday and I will guess they make a decent wage. Go to Apple's page and you'll understand. It seems like a great machine for surfing the web. It seems like a great machine to render stuff in a huge expensive program like Quark. Oh yeh, PCs do that too. Use Quark I mean. But, do Apple people play games? Most mammals like to play. Dogs, chimps, cats, even people seem to enjoy recreational stuff. Such a crisis. The piracy bothers me quite a bit. I do not endorse piracy and have no illegal machines. And I REALLY don't even want to develop the attitude of the above quoted Apple person. Hell, I don't even want to know him or anyone like him.

This Beach House Apple project deserves further research. Should I scrap this idea? Should I satisfy my curiousity? Opinions?

“I never make the mistake of arguing with people for whose opinions I have no respect."
~Edward Gibbon

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