After a somewhat frustrating evening of yard work, a stopping place was hit and halt was in order. My long, long time friend Neal drove up to spend the night at the beach house. He had worked 12 hours straight. He's some kind of voodoo electrician for TVA and is working close by. It has been great to see him.
We sat up later than usual and played dueling musical computers. He'd play a music clip and I'd guess the title and musicians then I'd do the same with him always knowing the answers. We don't miss many. He is leaving a CD of Paul Rodgers (aka lead singer of Bad Company) doing Jimi Hendrix tunes. Marvelous, just marvelous. We actually cranked up the 6.2 home theater array and felt what little hair we have left blow back with every bass line.
Grilled chicken and barbeque beans helped and it was a nice easy way to end a hard day. Pretty awesome that I have several friends to love and enjoy. Pretty awesome that most are like family. It's neat that my daughters know these people and they all like each other. Thanks Neal. Good break. Excellent evening of music and friendship. Rock on dude.
"Friendship isn't a big thing - it's a million little things."
~H.D. Murphy
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