Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Monday, April 07, 2008

New Week!

Monday, Monday can't trust that day
Monday, Monday sometimes it just turns out that way...

Yesterday was good. Visited with Mother who is recovering from knee surgery. She's doing great. Couldn't kneel on the prayer rail during communion yesterday, but she's walking unassisted. After kneeling on the prayer rail I wondered if I could get up! Hey, we Methodists only do that once a month so I certainly won't complain too loudly. Besides, it's part of my participation privileges as a human being. Thank God I was in a house of worship on Sunday.

Arrived home at 6:00PM and was passed out by 8:30PM on the couch in a Flexiril stupor. Was carrying stuff in from the truck and a huge battery backup unit was too much for my feeble back. Have a doctor's appointment this morning (it's all fun and giggles on Monday at the beach house). Back is better. There's too much on the plate so spending time around the beach house doing nothing is definitely not a choice.

Is anyone else experiencing slow and delayed downloads of definition updates from AVG Free Edition? This has been going on for several weeks and there's word going around the internet about this problem. Grisoft, parent company of AVG, is aware of it. I do remember them experiencing delays before a major update. Not really worried, just curious. It's a great program and the few dollars for the full version are well worth spending.

Outta here. Appointments to keep.

"Gratitude is a quality similar to electricity: it must be produced and discharged and used up in order to exist at all."
~William Faulkner

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