Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Friday, January 18, 2008

Seeking Hamboni and TeamSpeak is UP!

Received an interesting email asking my opinion about the top 10 things techno and the 10 worst techno things for 2007. Hmmmm, this is too much of an opportunity to pass up, but requires some thought. That takes time and not much is left due to my slow start this year. This might be a good time to see if I can consult with Hamboni, the genie or jinn that lives in the bigfoot SCSI drive used as a door stop. My saying "IBM" three times over it to make him to appear has not worked well of late. His opinion of things can sometimes get sideways, but that seems to fit in at the beach house.

For a few minutes last night it seemed there was hearing in my right ear once again, besides the ringing that sounded like the ocean. Now that has reverted to the shrill locust like sound and little hearing on the right side. This has been miserable. One of my daughters even wants me to have the VA ppl check on my meds and she's not too prone to interfere. So, that will happen. Mood has fluctuated for the past weeks. As Cybersouth is scanned there is a reflection of such changes. Gosh folks, Ima tryin'! My inability to accomplish tasks and stay on schedule does bother me. Diligence and prayer make a great combo. My butt best be in a pew at St. Luke's Sunday.


"But what minutes! Count them by sensation, and not by calendars, and each moment is a day."
~Benjamin Disraeli

NOTE: The new TeamSpeak Server is online. HUGE THANKS out to Ashby Rhett Culpepper, III, Esq., Jr., for an awesome machine to provide this service. The Dragons channel is online and further config will continue at opportune times. You know your name and password and if any probs you can cell me. WOW! This is a good thing!!

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