Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Into the Wild Blue Yonder

Do I have a favorite Democrat? That would be John Glenn. Good man. Recently an email has circulated about his confrontation with Howard Metzenbaum early in his political career. There's some fact and some fiction concerning this email. You can read about it at the UrbanLegends section of About.com. Thanks for the tip Ashby. I wanted to use the snopes.com page about this subject, but since Firefox caught the site trying to load spyware (fastclick) on my computer they are now off limits. I'll never visit the site again.

Even though my father was a Republican he was a great admirer of FDR and fully supported his WWII efforts by joining the U.S. Navy. That's about as high a recommendation someone can give a President. I damn sure didn't support Lyndon Johnson during the Vietnam conflict. Yet, I served. Back then we had a thing called the draft. It does my heart good to see the massive support of our troops overseas by people from both parties. When we returned from Vietnam we were treated as outcasts by most folks. BTW, Toby Keith is an avid supporter of our troops and guess what? He's a Democrat. I like him too.

If you go to the UrbanLegends article linked above please read the whole article. It's interesting. And the Dixie Chicks still suck.

"An election is coming. Universal peace is declared and the foxes have a sincere interest in prolonging the lives of the poultry."
~T.S. Eliot

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