Wow, just couldn't see it. It's a Coolmaster fan, which have been dependable down through the years, but the money will be spent to replace all fans with Antec devices. Hopefully this mysterious problem has been resolved and all the weirdness will stop. The new Inspire 500 watt supply is built for servers and even with SCSI drives it is much quieter than the old ones. That 300 watt power supply wasn't enough for all the SCSI devices in this machine.
Thanks to everyone for understanding the cancellation of the LAN party. The nice messages through comments, email and phone calls helped shore me up from several weeks of negativity which is a record around here. Everyone has bads days occasionally. Well, some folks have bad days every day because their head is up in that place where the moon doesn't shine. I pity them. My recent lack of energy is at the top of the list for discussion when returning to the doctor in a few days. Forgive my whimpiness in yesterday's post. Repetition will try to be avoided with the gusto of a hound dawg.
Maybe tomorrow discussion here will be back to tech help and fun stuff! We're less than 2 days away from long weekend so hang in there.
"When written in Chinese the word "crisis" is composed of two characters - one represents danger and the other represents opportunity."
~John F. Kennedy
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