Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

I Sing the Car Electric

Gas prices are ridiculous. When that 30 bucks didn't even net half-a-tank it was depressing. New York city has declared that all taxis will have to eventually become hybrid cars. If only one of the big auto makers would come up with a decent electric car this price gouging would stop forever. Pollution would drop tremendously, noise would decrease noticeably, many new industries would rise out of such a changeover creating new jobs and a new workable technology could advance our civilization. But, it won't happen and we know it. Sad that our great nation has fallen victim to these thieves in the oil business that reside (well, most of 'em) in the spawning ground of terrorists fools.

This just about says it all:

Please remember it is not the local dealer's fault that prices are so high. They can only pass on current market prices. When we start buying gas by the quart may be our legislators will take appropriate action. It's for damned sure they have the time since it appears they are doing NOTHING. Good Lord, this country needs new direction and responsible leadership that embraces the "by the people, for the people" attitude. This is not a statement about political affiliation. I am still a Republican and will NEVER be a democrat. My democratic friends are given an ear though; as long as they don't mention the Hillarybeast.

The second muscle relaxer is making my eyelids droopy. Backaches suck. Please bear with me, hopefully the car will be mobile tomorrow. When it rains, it pours...

"Adversity introduces a man to himself."
~D.N. Jennings

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