There's a trip to Baldwyn planned today (power supply in hand} and a laptop has to be reloaded with Windows. There's a network report due Tuesday that still needs work. Palm software needs to go on a different computer and W2K SQL Server needs installation on the server. Monitors have to be moved and backaches are not permissible this time of year. Gee, think I'll ever get the garage painted and cleaned up?
Wondering about Wii? It's selling. Check out the stats at FIN24. For the non-gamers, Wii (pronounced We) is the newest innovation of Nintendo. You remember Nintendo? The Mario Brothers/Donkey Kong people? It has modules that include physical interaction. They are handheld. Okay just go read about it at the Wii homesite. Look out XBox 360, there's a new player in the game. Will their be one at the beach house? No. PC gamer here and there is ONLY one game, GuildWars.
Isn't it amazing? Got thru a post without whineysickboy showing up. Enjoy Sunday.
"Tomorrow is the day when idlers work, and fools reform."
-Edward Young
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