For some reason people go nuts over screensavers and desktop backgrounds around Christmas. Hey, if you don't like my politically incorrect exemption of all the other holidays then that's just too bad. To me, being a Christian, it is the Christmas season. I have almost no qualms with anyone celebrating other religious or nonreligious rites as long as they aren't trying to harm anyone. Satanism and that Jihad-antiAmerica stuff are not condoned by the beach house.
Also, while on this subject, I do use the pagan tree as decoration. Heck, I even hide eggs at Easter which is a Christian holiday that has some pagan influence and sometimes shoot off fireworks on the 4th of July (nothing really religious here, just proud to be in the USA and also the birthday of my Father who passed away several years ago). There's been green beer swilled on St. Patty's Day. Memorial and Labor Day are prime times to Parrothead LAN party celebrating the deadly cheeseburger and online gaming. But we were talking about downloading screensavers weren't we, huh, huh?!?!
Please be careful when downloading ANYTHING. You know, it's strictly against the law for someone to enter your house, go through your things, get your checking account number, sift through your mail, etc. Yet, there are few laws that stop spyware companies from doing EXACTLY the same thing. IMHO, round 'em all up and put 'em on a rocket then shoot it into the sun. Make it a slow trip too.
From time to time the question comes up, "What is the greatest problem in the world of computerese?" Let me tell you friends, brothers, sisters, neighbors, and the rest of the people on the planet the worst problem faced concerning the world of average computer usage is spyware, adware, dungware, malware, or whatever you want to call it. Got to be a survey that tells us that more money is spent on spyware protection and removal than even anti-virus measures!
Whew! Out of breath! Just be careful out there fellow netizens. And if nexus media looks in here's a personal message: If I ever become Emperor of the Known Universe, you will have reserve seats somewhere towards the front of that Sunbound Rocket I'll be launching.
Time to take my evening meds. Later.
"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing."
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