Was over at Slashdot which is usually a good site for info, but sometimes their Apple Nazism gets in the way. Zonk posted a link to an article about Apple being 16% of some voodoo way to count numbers of overall computer users: Thoroughly muddled was I for a few seconds by the doublespeak. Apple is lucky if they have 3% of the market. If Microsoft hadn't injected a large chunk of change into their company back several years ago, they would not exist today. The iPod has been good for Apple, but it is only a mid-fi device. Most reviews indicate several devices that are superior and far more flexible. Oh yeah, did you send your iPod back and get the exploding battery exchanged? Anyway, I am still considering the purchase of a Mac just to improve my skills concerning service calls on these overated, overpriced, yet sorta' pretty formfactor computers.
"Without change, something sleeps inside us, and seldom awakens. The sleeper must awaken."
-Frank Herbert
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