No snakes, possums or Lufwaffe crows have been harmed while working in the yard. If that snake is not poisonous it may survive. Besides, it may be in cahoots with Arnold, opossumus germanicus austriabodicus. The owl is back. I heard hoots during the last two nights since it's been cool enough to sleep with the windows open. His return may have prompted the crows into deep cover. I understand those two species of birds don't get along. While owls are nocturnal, crows stay up all the time seeing how many people and animals they can piss off. Ahhh days and nights at the beach house. The grill is in constant use, there's always music playing, friendly people stop by, got the best neighbors in the world and there is treasure in the local flora and fauna. Thank you Lord!
Celebrate Father's Day. Cherish those alive and remember the ones that have crossed the bar and met their Pilot face to face. Dad, I know you are out there. I love you and think of you every day with fond memories.
"Take more pleasure in giving what is best to another than in having it yourself, and then all the world will love you, and I more than all the world."
-Thomas Jefferson, from a letter to his daughter
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