This computer sits next to a window that overlooks the oak tree and the street corner. The car made such a tire squealing racket I naturally looked up. Damned idiot driver. The Chief of Police is my neighbor! Besides, there is the faction of opossumus clamsaucesicus berettamus that stays a few streets over. Late last night I heard possum shouts in the distance of 'Zeig Heil Mein Fuhrer' and 'Dichiarare Guerra El Duce' that had heavy Italian accents. Occasionally, you could hear a single, loud voice with a German accent. Want to know what this was all about? I think Arnold watched too many World War II movies over the Memorial Day weekend. Still a quandary as to where he's watching TV. Before leaving in the morning I am going to check and see if there is an extension cord going up that oak tree.
At least all's quiet on the Wisteria War Front and the cats aren't howling in pain. Now, another quandary. Should I tell him we kicked the Fascist and Nazi butts in WWII? Hmmmmmmmm. That revelation should slide...for now.
"I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person."
-Pogo, aka Walt Kelly
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