The day has been awesome with only one minor glitch. Mother and I travelled down the Natchez Trace about 15 miles to the Beagle n Mudslingr abode to celebrate Thanksgiving with a large group of families and friends. The food was absolutely awesome, the fellowship grand and an extra special treat was watching the purplegiraffe open her birthday presents. This was a good day. Mother fell when getting out of the car and panic was trying to set in, but many rushed to her aid and and she is okay, thank God. Appreciate the promptness of Mudslingr's Dad and family in helping her. I had my head stuck inside the back seat and didn't even know it until they'd dashed across the yard to help! Nice to be around folks with good manners. I sat there watching, later on, and realized this was a happy time. Smiles abounded. Yep, this was a better than average gathering. Thanks y'all!
"Go thy way, eat thy bread with joy, and drink thy wine with a merry heart; for God now accepteth thy works."
-Ecclesiastes 9:7
Edit: Finally launched post by changing to another PC! Blogger wuz punishing me for falling asleep at the machine I guess...
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