It is not hard to explain why I don't know how to install every gee-gaw available. It is not hard to explain why I don't know every piece of proprietary software available. It is hard to form the words in English that explain to some folks why I have problems trying to install their googly moogly, super duper, mo betta widget making software/hardware that's probably older than the hills and and do it without manuals or tech support. Believe me when I say there are thousands and thousands of such programs and units of hardware in existence. Some days I barely survive. Ever had a mass of machinery and a huge bundle of category 5 cable arise and try to devour you? Happens to me almost every day. With a lot of prayer I am still here. I really love these machines. I like how PCs have made the people of this planet a more efficient society in spite of all the virus writers, spyware jerks, RIAA, etc. I don't like when people that requested my presence become frustrated because I can't prevent all things evil and assure them salvation leading to immortality. Gimme a break! If you know what's wrong or how to install a piece of gear why did you call me? Go for it! Save some money and time. If I knew the ins and outs of EVERY piece of software written my butt would be in Redmond, Washington, opening up an office across the street from Microsoft! Yes sir ree bobtail! So please be patient. Folks, this goes for all techs. I do realize as a group we might not be noted for our happy cheerful dispositions. That is due partially to pre-occupation with things computerese and cyber. The next time you become impatient because you lost the drivers disk for your printer or scanner don't punish your tech person. She or he probably knows where to find said drivers and you don't. If your network fails and you haven't a clue how to get YOUR computers talking to each other then smile when your tech/geek arrives. Think about it. Be nice. started out as a good web mail service that has degenerated into a cesspool of greedy, trashy popups. Their last ploy to "entice" you to pay them was to slow down the page response while logged on and using the service. It always helps to have a trash account to avoid spam so now I have two at the They also show a page wanting you to upgrade every third or fourth time you take any action and you have to tell them yes or 'no thanks'. Well no thanks you bunch of clowns. This service started out in the late 90s as Snap mail and I've watched several transitions and stayed with them through the years. Last summer I was talking to my buddy Corinth Chris whose site is
From the mind of a geek wannabe and we both used at that time. He switched to Yahoo mail in utter disgust as I did back a few weeks ago. I was very seriously thinking about paying them at one time. I had even emailed and asked several questions about various account prices. Then the slow down started. If you want me to do business with you then use positive solicitation not negative!! Yahoo mail has constantly improved and the spam problem once there is not as prevelant now. So, they now have my support and will get my money. So sad to see the lust of money combined with the minds of idiots ruin a good thing.
Time for my initial cups of coffee sent to me from my daughter and son-in-law that reside in Louisiana (love you both!). Odyssey is still my favorite coffee supplier in the world, but this Mello Joy Cajun coffee is VERY tasty! Keep your sunny side up and kiss or hug a tech today!
"The first rule of any technology used in a business is that automation applied to an efficient operation will magnify the efficiency. The second is that automation applied to an inefficient operation will magnify the inefficiency."
-Bill Gates
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