It's hard to believe that most Mississippians aren't aware of or just don't care about the tort reform bruhaha taking place in this state. There's a severe problem here and it has to do with bad laws. Let's get one thing out of the way initially. The phrase "first we kill the lawyers" does indeed come from a Shakespeare play. In Henry the VI, Part 2, a rebel of low and despicable character that is a follower of Jack Cade utters these words saying it is the best way to start overthrowing the King. Well, folks the King is the hero here and the lawyers are on his side. That makes them good guys and if this rebel leader is that worried then they most likely are the
super good guys. So the next time you hear this statement please remember the truth. We've many people suing folks because they can. I had a lady make a left hand turn in front of me several years ago and hit the vehicle I was in while going the wrong way on my side of the road. Minor damage. An obvious case that would make anyone realize that she was at fault. Also, there were two credible witnesses that saw this happen. She was dating a motorcycle policeman who showed up just minutes after the wreck. I asked her three times if she was ok and she said yes with the boyfriend saying 'it's just an accident, glad nobody was hurt'. He then walked over to the policeman and they had a conversation. Several people saw this talk. The policeman later denied speaking to motorcycle boy in a deposition. He lied. Outright bald-faced lied. The police report said I was at fault because I hit her. Can we say collusion? She was going the wrong way on MY side of the street. She was in my lane going the wrong way damn it! Well, a local ambulance chasing idiot lawyer (this is a large man and even his fellow lawyers call him a bully) became involved and she was at the doctor's a week later yet never missed work. My company and I were sued. The lady and the officer that did the report were caught telling lies during their depositions. Because this idiot ambulance chasing lawyer frequently pulls these stunts, the insurance company paid them instead of going to court with a solid case they could have won. The settlement cost them less than the price of lawyers and court costs. K, folks, this is way beyond stupid. Not only do we need to run this idiot lawyer out of town (he is actually the subject of an article on the web where he was caught trying to intimidate someone and should have been disbarred then!), the insurance company should be punished as well. Absurd!
I realize that many people practicing law are ethical, upstanding citizens that value truth, justice and the American way. It's a few bad apples that are degrading our state in more ways than one. Doctors are fleeing because of malpractice suits and the silly laws involved. This is personal. I want my friends and relatives in the medical profession to stay here in this area or have the desire to come here without injustice running rampant. Tupelo has the largest hospital in the state of Mississippi. Which is more important? Your health? Or the rights of some cheesy lawyer to practice voodoo jurisprudence? Fellow Mississippians, get off your dead asses and talk to your elected officials. Make them aware you know about such shenanigans and won't tolerate it!! Most barristers I know are sick about all this and support reform. They too are amazed at the general apathy concerning this matter. Do yourself a favor. Go to Google and do a search about Mississippi tort reform. Read about this. Some laws have been passed, but we are still not out of the dark. Be a citizen and get angry about the evil. Support the good guys and vanquish the bad guys. Run their no good butts outta' town! Let's not even consider killing the lawyers, most of them are good guys!! Let's kill the frivolous lawsuits and correct the malevolent laws. After all, isn't this what community is all about? Don't know about all y'all, but I want the doctors in my area to be the best! So, heed my words and help yourself. Wonder if mr. big ugly ambulance chaser will sue me over this post? Probably so. We'll see if the truth can stand up in court.
"The United States is a nation of laws: sometimes badly written and randomly enforced."
Frank Zappa (1940 - 1993)
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