is offering the
Eye of the North expansion for the 1st chapter of Guild Wars (aka Prophecies) for 33% off. That's 19 dollars and change plus shipping. But, you can buy the same game at for a mere $5.99 and even free shipping in some cases. Just remember that you do have to own the first game which takes place in Tyria for EOTN to work. All 3 of the main games are stand alone but this one is a expansion that attaches to the continent of Tyria. This will help new players build points and setup the transition to GW2.
Going to visit friends and work on a uber gaming machine. First time setup. It's sweet and attached HDMI to a 32" Toshiba Rezga. Got to be awesome...
"A friend is the one who comes in when the whole world has gone out." ~Grace Pulpit
Найти лучшее: скачать программу для черчения проектов
Найти лучшее: скачать Oregon Trail
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