Two of the hottest guitarists on the planet. This is an amazing video that really shows off their ability. He's the legendary master of strings on a fret board, Steve Vai. She's the legendary and absolutely awesome in every way Orianthi. The song is named, appropriately,
Highly Strung. Kick the video up to 480 and go full screen for best results.
"I love rock n roll!"~Jett
That was AWESOME!
In could watch that over and over again.
She absolutely HATES her own voice...... Thinks it sounds all Britney and she wants all rough and gravelly..........LoL
Why can't she just be satisfied to be able to play like she does.
Can tell ya what I would love to grab onto.......................
but there are children and probably several stodgy adults in
"the audience" that would be damaged or offended by my words.
I tolded Opie what to write!
She can BLOW me away any time she wants to, don't even have to color coordinate her nail polish and outfit and guitar......
Knew Vai was a virtuoso, can that lady keep up or what. All we need is Yngwie J. Malmsteen in the mix, and the world would simply explode.
That Vai boy just ain't right.....
He gets his arm wrapped around her leg (that, by the way, goes ALL the way up to her whachamacallit) and not only LETS HER GO but don't play with nuthin but his guitar.
Holy Crap! She's only 25 and plays like that?
I so envious, I can barely play the radio.
Hoppa, If you call that keepin up what do you call runnin off and leadin the pack.......
Bet I've watched this video at least 50 times this week.
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