Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Friday, April 17, 2009

Stop Piracy in Its Tracks. Today!!!

This pirate thing is ridiculous. I can only tolerate so much stupidity. The answer to the problem is so obvious. Give the merchant marines guns!! Mount 50 caliber machine guns fore, amidships and aft. Port and Starboard. Arm each individual crewman and have rocket launchers at the ready. If a shoulder launched SAM can take out a high speed warbird at 50,000 feet, shooting their sorry pirate asses will be a piece of cake. Real simple. If a boat approaches you and engages your ship in a hostile way, sink the bastards and leave them to die. Kill 'em all and let God sort it out. I can't believe this blatantly obvious solution hasn't been implemented. Should have happened years ago. Declare a "safe" lane in the area and if unauthorized boats enter that area have aircraft standing by to kill them. Let the rotten, foul excuses for humans see an A-10 Warthog sink some of their rogue brethren and this evil abuse of human rights will stop. They will be deterred or suffer in pirate hell. They are dumbasses for practicing piracy and our government officials are even bigger dumbasses for not following the simple plan mentioned here. Grow some big ones Washington and put an end to this embarrassing situation! It is hard to comprehend why these upgrades are not in place. They've had problems in this area for years! On the way home from Iraq, let our aircraft make strategic passes over the pirate bases with intent to harm. And then get some type of government in that region that can control these minions of Satan. They've declared war on America. War my ass! What's the more appropriate word? Suicide. Sheesh! Think about this the next time you vote and elect a Representative, Senator, President, Governor, etc. You can bet your sweet bippy Ronald Reagan would have had this under control in a matter of days. Maybe even hours. But, that's what we get when we have a ruling government made up of gun control idiots and fraidy-cats. Yep they can kill unborn children, but are too scared to whack a bunch of sea thugs. Go figure. I certainly can't. Wish they'd drop Nancy Pelosi right in the middle of the gnarly bunch!

"I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And let me remind you also that moderation in pursuit of justice is no virtue."
~Barry Goldwater

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