Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Friday, April 10, 2009

In My Opinion

Today has many names: Holy Friday, Great Friday, Black Friday, Royal Hours, Good Friday and more. In these United States Good Friday is generally accepted as the term describing a day that plays a major part in the Christian Rites of Easter. Some choose to call this Sunday Passover instead of Easter. The spirit of your heart determines the separation of devotion and paganism, not words or re-enactments or rituals. I choose the word Easter and encourage egg hunts, Easter baskets, chocolate rabbits or anything else that will light passion and joy in the eyes of a child. If you don't agree that's fine with me. To me this day is one of the darkest that ever occurred, yet it also marks the beginning of the greatest gift God has bestowed upon humankind, Salvation. For God so loves the world that He gave His only Son and those that believe in Him will not perish but have everlasting life. So use your interpretations and rituals. Leave me to mine. My Salvation is between God and me. Attend to your relationship with Him and leave ultimate judgment to the Judge. Prayer will be ongoing throughout the day. God has blessed us and we don't deserve it. I am thankful for His Grace. For I am saved by the Grace of His love.

God knows I am not the most devout person. Last paragraph, yesterday's post...good example. Sometimes my emotions get the best of me. Since that statement I have prayed for the grieving family AND the nitwits at Bluehost. Also asked for forgiveness for my harsh, shrew-like conclusion jump. Not a day goes by without sin. But, I believe. My prayer anthem today is a plea to Heaven. God, please help us all; God, please forgive us.

"I believe in Christianity as I believe in the rising sun; not because I see it, but by it I can see all else."

~C. S. Lewis

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