Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Friday, October 17, 2008

Huge Google Disappointment

For many years now I have promoted the efforts of Google to improve our online experience. I am seriously considering dumping all their products which means this page may make a move to another address in the very near future. Yes, they have annoyed me to a great degree.

I use a 22" widescreen monitor and love the fact that everything is lateral. I hate sidebars with a passion. Well, Google has forced a sidebar on the iGoogle homepage and it takes up a considerable bit of the screen. As best I can tell, this was done in order to make room for ads. This is bad enough, but they 'Hitlered' us. We have a choice of either accepting it or finding other sources for such services. All of this transpired without ANY warning. I am looking elsewhere. Damn it, it's my homepage and I want it my way!

Since Google owns Blogger, which is the engine used here, I am looking to change the way this page is developed and manipulated. Mudslingr and I had discussion yesterday about new hosting and made some decisions so this won't be too much of an effort. Somehow I'll get word to everyone if this change is necessary. Don't know if Google will be gracious enough to let me link to the new address from here or not. This is causing trouble and frustration, but a man's got to know his limitations.

After many years of promoting GMail, Google, etc., it is sad that such a change is being considered. It is not the fact that they abruptly stole part of my screen width as much as their attitude of supremacy that glares at all of us. Honestly, when this sidebar first showed up I spent several hours scanning my machine for malware thinking that possibly my homepage had been hijacked. I finally found some weird location in Google Groups and complained, but have my doubts about it being noted. It is apparent that Google is not receptive to customer desires or they would post a "contact us" in plain view - at least on the settings page.

Hate to say goodbye to Google and especially GMail. Life changes and sometimes we can roll with the punches. Other times we punch back. Gloves are off. Will keep you posted...unless they decide to change Blogger's format and Cybersouth - from the Saltillo Beach House disappears. LOL, my attitude since yesterday has changed quite a bit!

"All change is not growth, as all movement is not forward."

EDIT: Heh, heh, heh, ha, ha, ha! Since they have forced that horrible sidebar on me (it's in GMail too) I've found a way to block ALL their ads. This will be the subject of tomorrow's post and there WILL be links! Heh, heh, heh, ha, ha, ha!

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