Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

On the Return to the Usual Sub-normal State

Mixed news for TeamSpeak users. The server is online again. It will be up and down over the next few days as changes are implemented. The down time should be during off hours and not interfere with peak usage times. I know this is frustrating, but it's necessary for security and an improvement in speed. We have more users and this is good, but safeguarding the service is important enough now certain protocols have to be put in place. In the meantime please check out TeamSpeak 3. This is not just another phase of improving the existing architecture, but a complete rewrite in C++. Isn't the march of technology a wonderful thangy?

The recent nightmare of resolving problems with a failing server has preoccupied the minds that revolve around the beachhouse. It has consumed me to a great degree. Resolution appears close at hand so I will get back to a sub-normal schedule soon. My promise to everyone is the next time such a challenge will not be undertaken. New equipment will be the recommendation. Please put up with my tardiness. Health issues haven't helped much either. Efforts are being made to contact everyone and let them know my normal reliability level will return. Thanks to everyone that has been gracious and understanding. Y'all are precious. Not many folks know the meaning of the word gracious nowadays. Thanks to all my fellow techs and friends for their help with the client's server problem.

"I suppose it is much more comfortable to be mad and know it, than to be sane and have one's doubts."

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