There is an enormous wealth of information on the web. With the election coming up next year I've researched most of the the known candidates Republican and Democrat. Anyone that has read this site knows I am a Republican. If you choose to align with the Democrats more power to ya! Thank the Good Lord for the wonderful bunch of folks that started this whole US of A back in 1776 and structured a government based on freedom. Oh yeah, let me mention I got my dumbass shot in Vietnam defending your right and freedom to vote your mind. What have you done?
This next Presidential election will be interesting. No matter who wins they will have my backing as an American. I am not especially happy with some of the present policies. And let's face it; I don't like Hillary. Sorry, don't know the woman personally and have NO desire to meet her. If she is elected it is my duty as an American to stay loyal to my flag and country.
One thing is damn sure. You won't hear me whining if she does win. I'll patiently wait 4 years and gladly accept the inevitable change. BTW, for all you smart asses that say I am against her because she's a woman, go screw yourselves. You are idiots. I have two wonderful daughters, two awesome granddaughters and many close friends that are female. Mother is awesome, and I have a sister-in-law that's wayyy kewl. My ex-wife ain't bad and should have shot me during the purple haze years. Thank you ma'am for not doing so. It's my firm belief they'd thrown any charges out of court based on my goofiness during that period. I'd certainly support a woman candidate.
Women tend to be smarter than men. Their ability to multitask far exceeds us buckethead males. Women are more patient and resourceful. But, I just don't like anyone that is a real bitch. And most folks don't. I try to avoid them, male and female. I really hate when I am bitchy. So there. If you don't agree and want to write hate mail that's fine. Again, start your own site. Doing this is not rocket science.
These are my opinions and God Bless America!
"The supply of good women far exceeds that of the men who deserve them."
~Robert Graves
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