Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Second Breakfast

Well, yesterday turned out to be a good day. Outside of forgetting a major part and making a 40 mile round trip for nothing, my attitude became complacent when I started back to the beach house. So, outside of some really dumb mistakes, it turned out to be a good day. Basically I came home and grunted and rooted away the rest of the evening in fabulous pig style. Absolutely no cleaning was accomplished. Potato chips and real Coke are just awesome. And I ate second breakfast this morning, Hobbit style, after napping due to first breakfast . Burgers on the grill around 8:00am are wonderful: For tomorrow we diet again!

Tried to watch Mission Impossible III. Boring. If you've seen either of the other two don't bother. Same movie over and over again. Stay casual.

"But when the time comes that a man has had his dinner, then the true man comes to the surface."
~Mark Twain (hmmm, usually I fall asleep)

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