On November 2nd, Novell announced a newly forged partnership with Microsoft. This "merger" has been in the opensource software news and this worries me and others. The people that bring you the capability to interface Windows with Linux, UNIX, FreeBSD, etc., are really upset. This company is a huge player in the computer world and makes it possible for a vast majority of networks to function. Read about it at Samba.org.
What new Linux flavor for the laptop? Kubuntu, no doubt. This is an awesome alternative operating system.
"A dance and type of music from Brazil originating from African slaves. The dance is very difficult as performed by Brazilians in comparison to formal "ballroom" dancing which is highly stylized. Men and women dance samba differently and together yet without touching. The dance for the women can be characterized as quick symmetrical feet movement with each foot twisting on the heel. This foot movement is accompanied by hip and shoulder gyrations creating a dance that agitates the entire body...."
-Web definition of Samba (the dance)
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