Mornings usually start with a cup of fresh ground coffee, reading email (which is really GMail, lol),checking messages, then a scan of the web for interesting tech news, afterwards a shower and hit the road running. It's a holiday and even though I have two service calls scheduled the luxury of sleeping late this morning was awesome. The recent change in meds does a good job of draining energy so the extra snooze time finds me chipper and ready.
Scanning email discovered a link from my daughter in Louisiana and it is hilarious. It takes place in Emperor Palpatine's office and involves Darth Vader phoning to report some news. Even though the profanity is bleeped out this is still not for children. Anyway, go look at a very funny
Star Wars Phone Call. Have a great Friday and be careful out there amongst the shoppers.
"Wal-mart... do they like make walls there?"-Paris Hilton
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