This village idiot decides to once again offend a large segment of computer users by announcing that Linux infringes upon Microsoft's intellectual property. Gee Steviepoo, think if you jerks had written better code initially there'd be a Linux platform? Somebody had to get it right! And there was certainly no noise about FreeBSD which is making tremendous strides in the desktop battle. The FreeBSD peeps are kewl; they know their stuff works. Loudmouth's timing is impeccable. Just earlier this month Microsoft announced a joint venture, merger, voodoo ritual, witchdoctor thangy with Novell, which is the repository of things LINUX SUSE!
It is time for Ballmer to retire. Period. Bill Gates should post a watch on him or maybe even invest in one of those fashionable Martha Stewart ankle bracelets. It is my hope that Windows Vista will be a good operating system and not a continuing nightmare of hundreds of "fixes" and other such garbage. Lighten up and consider the customer. We deserve a break today. Quit offending our intelligence. The passive attitude of the computing society may abruptly change. Let me tell you friends and neighbors, Kubuntu, my favorite variety of Linux, runs fine on a beach house desktop and it was installed yesterday on the laptop. This was a flawless installation done with utmost ease in under 30 minutes. It took less than five minutes to configure the wireless connection and that's not something you can usually say about Windows.
Must stop now, time to take the morning meds. The article that keyed this can be found at Slashdot. The /.'ers seem to be a fringe group of mostly Apple users that don't bow to Jobs, his lordness of sithy pomes. Thanks for a great site and a very enlightening article. Gee, the sun is shining, it's Friday (only two more days to work this week) and the fall season is putting on a show alongside the Natchez Trace which I have to travel today. Be nice if Santa brings me a convertible...
"Genius may have its limitations, but stupidity is not thus handicapped."
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