On the way out the front door I grabbed a broom and proceeded to stop this melee. As I rounded the corner a huge gray tabby hissed and growled at me so it was immediately apparent whose side would be taken. Broom! Broom! Broom, broom, broom! Literally swept him out of the yard. When I finally turned the lights on and looked around there was Arnold, muscles flexing, his 'Mom surrounded by a heart' arm tattoo shining in the light and the other cat cowering in the corner. Every time the cat would utter a sound Arnold hissed. Apparently the fight had ensued by the solar light because it was laying over at a 45 degreee angle. Into the battle I went, domestic household weapon in hand and it wasn't a pretty sight. Folks, don't ever broom a mad possum. Don't even sledge hammer one.
As I ran up the front steps the other cat shot past me headed for the woods north of the house. A defensive stance was taken and it occured to me that I was now awake and this whole picture was something that belonged in the morning funny papers or that funniest videos thangy on TV. A grown man in pajamas with a broom in hand warding off an irate possum at 4:30AM in the morning, good Lord where are those people that always annoy you with video cameras!?!? Anyway, after collecting what few wits were left back to the front I went. This time I was armed with a water hose. Arnold is not crazy about bathing. In no time he scooted around the corner and headed for his oak tree. When he was going up the tree my ears may have fooled me but the words, "ah'll bee backkk," seemed to ring out in the dim light.
So how was your morning? Coffee good? Mine is, at least I think it is. Maybe tomorrow we can return to things techno. Hopefully the shaking will stop. Anyway, have a possum free Monday.
"Look alive!!! Here comes a buzzard!"
-Pogo (one of my fav quotes)
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