Yahoo IM (instant messenger) users beware.
CNET has the story. Please be very careful. I am NOT a fan of anything Yahoo, but most folks just will not stop using their junk. It's like crack on the web. People know better, but they just keep going back for another dose of 180eSolutions and Claria adware/dungware. Until now you could download their IM service without all the other yahooey thangys and be relatively safe. Maybe just delete all links to Yahoo and NEVER go back? Or do you like them dropping ads or your machine and slowing it down? Go figure.
Need a good laugh? Do you have audio? Go to
Evolution of Dance. Even if you are on dial-up download and save it. It's a big clip, but well worth the effort. Haven't laughed this much in a while. Thanks Mudslingr for a great link.
Must get busy. Long day ahead. Stay casual folks.
"There are those, I know, who will say that the liberation of humanity, the freedom of man and mind, is nothing but a dream. They are right. It is the American dream." -Archibald MacLeish
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