Why over 3000 hits in the next 7 days? On April 14th, Cybersouth - from the Saltillo Beach House will be 2 years old. This has been a great trip for me. The whole gamut of emotions are apparent here. Life is never dull or boring at the beach house. Even the flamers have been fun. In a weird, strange way it's sad that the Anonymous Apple Dude has not stopped by lately. Guess I'll have to blaspheme his god, Darth Jobs. Anyway, 60,000 hits in two years is a lot for a simple southern boy that just pokes fun at some things and gets downright angry concerning stupidity and evil. Yes, I do believe people involved in the spyware business stand a good chance to burn in hell.
It's always fun when Hamboni shows up. I know the curmudgeons take exception to sophmoric humor, but Hamboni receives more email here than anyone except Arnold. Arnold is never too far away. He's madly in love right now so his antics have subsided momentarily. He's okay for an opossumus germanicus austriabodicus. He'll, "be bahk." Hamboni is making noises in that big foot SCSI hard drive being used as a door stop that he calls home which means he's not too far away from taking over the network for a guest appearance.
Time to hit the dusty trail. Miles to go before I sleep.
"The greatest part of our happiness depends on our dispositions, not our circumstances."
Martha Washington (George was a lucky man)
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