While reading the article it was discovered that the Washington Post originated the story and they require a subscription. Okay, exactly why does the Washington Post want info about me? Yes, I do have several anonymous web "ids" and could use one of those. Do you? If you don't go over to the Yahoo and create several without giving them any real information and don't check ANY boxes. IMHO, they deserve the extra load. As a matter of fact go ahead and create 5 or 10. Screw Yahoo and the Washington Post...IMHO of course.
You can go to the DenverPost.com and read a good article about computer security. If you are easily frightened please take your anti-anxiety meds before reading this expose, especially if you are one of those people that never update anything, anytime, anywhere. Thanks to Slashdot for the heads up on a very informative article from a source (Denver Post) that is proud to let one browse their daily journalistic ventures.
Spyware is a Netizen's worst enemy. Please understand, that's IMHO.
"Live so that you wouldn't be ashamed to sell the family parrot to the town gossip."
-Will Rogers
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