Bills to increase minimum wage were defeated yesterday. There's some controversy about it. Lardass Ted Kennedy was one sponsor and is now busy whining to his liberal cohorts. Others sem to disagree with 'his fatness'. Read about it at FoxNews. Flame on my democratic friends (both of you); you can post to the comments.
ArsTechnica has a really neat guide/introduction to Apple's OS X for those of you that are thinking Macmini. Was researching how to install a printer on an eMac and ran across this well written article -> A mini-guide to Mac OS X. For the non-applers, Mac OS X is the operating system that runs on later model Apple computers. It is infamous due to being a rip off of an opensource flavor of Unix, FreeBSD, and the fact that their equal to Windows Critical Updates cost the orchard folks about $100.00 or so. Before the AppleNazis start reporting to Darth Jobs that I am trashing the product please remember you can't get blood out of a turnip...or apple for that matter. Besides, I am giving positive info about this two year old way overpriced technology (evil grin n all that). Okay, they are not bad computers aside from the aforementioned.
"If you can't earn more than the minimum wage, you have no business having children. Develop some job skills first, then work on developing an embryo."
-Neal Boortz
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