No doubt tech-types can be some of the most hateful, whining people on the planet. Some are downright disgusting in their snideness. Ever want to choke the life out of some 'puter type' that gloats because he thinks he knows how to speak Unix, C++ or some other kind of foo? Please rest assured that NO ONE knows everything and those that claim such ability are usually insecure paranoids. Yet, we are not all that way. Case in point -> Grasshoppa's post
When will it end?... from yesterday over at
Southernphried. Observations about AOHell and McAfee that are right on the money! Still laughing. Yes indeed, the "truth shall set you free."
Dave's Daily is a constant source of laughter. Good site that is diverse in humor.
The Onion also has some strange, funny observations at times. And if you haven't visited
JibJab lately then you are missing some of the best video clips on the planet. Remember, they hold nothing political sacred and offend Republicans and Democrats equally!
Second Term cracks me up! Be sure and note what Clinton is reading.
"If I were given the opportunity to present a gift to the next generation, it would be the ability for each individual to learn to laugh at himself."
-Charles Schulz
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