Alas, my viewing of TechTV , now G4TechTV or something like that, has ceased since the goofballs at Comcast have decided to make it a foofoo kiddies oriented channel with plastic hosts and hostesses (forgive me Sara, Kevin, Yoshi and the other people from the old shows they didn't fire). These idiots don't realize that most of the computing world is not interested in a 24/7 broadcast of the California gaming scene.
Most of the geek/nerd types that I know have stopped watching and await the arrival of a new channel that will get back to computing in general. Believe me, there will be another. The technology industry is expansive. There is a niche in the broadcast arena that will return enormous advertising profits if they use the right platform concerning things techno. Geeks pay attention and can afford to buy large ticket items. We're interested in wayyyyy more than the next Nintendo, Play Station or X-Box.
Sadly, that board room of baboons at Comcast are busy fighting over bananas instead of studying the demographics of their viewing audience. They belong in a Donkey Kong world. Anyway, good luck to Kevin and the rest of the crew that survived the monkey driven purge.
"I am patient with stupidity but not with those who are proud of it."
- Dame Edith Sitwell
Edit: Center for Public Integrity has a brief history of Comcast, and lists all the apes that attend the Board of Directors meetings.
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