Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Thursday, April 22, 2004

More relief for Incredifind victims

Computing.net posted a very interesting string of information about the ills and woes of the hated Incredifind on April 16, 2004. The key player here is viruskiller101. It seems there has been some success disposing of this horse manure other than the long, tedious manual removal. Keenvalue is the company that wrote Incredifind. Haven't actually used this approach so you are on your own. If you are having Incredifind problems it's definitely worth a look. Computing.net has been a great source of 'fixes' down through the years. Take a look at what viruskiller101 has to say and let me know. These suggestions will certainly be used here in the future.

It's off to the doctor to keep an appointment scheduled a week ago, rescheduled for Monday and then rescheduled again today. One of these days I'll learn to do that which is right or die knowing my health was not a primary consideration. Gee, think I should take control of my life so I can continue to have one?

"The groundwork of all happiness is health."
-Leigh Hunt

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