Bad: Two machines are on my bench and they have something in common. Incredifind was found on both PCs and even though one had previously been worked on by a different tech and returned to the customer it still has problems. The fix? Both hard drives have to be formatted. The reason. Someone tried to delete things without using the formulated steps in the two links listed. We need laws to stop this madness. There are more emails and traffic concerning Incredifind removal here than any other topic. If anyone knows of any Incredifind/Keenvalue removal TOOL please let me know.
Butt-Ugly: Please stay away from Norton Internet Security. NOT Norton Antivirus. The antivirus program all by itself is fine (still prefer AVG). After an hour researching and 5 printed pages later from the NIS parent site, Symantec, I was able to salvage a laptop that has to attach to a network on a daily basis. Don't harp on me about this program. It won't do any good. It's evil and should be taken off the shelves. It will prevent networking, email and internet connection. Don't buy this hunk of junk. It has no resident uninstall program and the 5 pages that explains how to remove it are buried in the site. Also, if you are attempting to remove it the 15 or 20 registry edits they recommend are not enough. You have to do more. A mess if there ever was one. Wish Peter Norton still drove that train. Such garbage would never reach the consumer.
It's Tuesday and the beach house demeanor is Eastwoodish.
"The real problem is in the hearts and minds of men. It is easier to denature plutonium than to denature the evil spirit of man."
-Albert Einstein
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