It's my considered opinion that you are given some weird drug at the city limits of Hollywood and usage is mandatory. It influences your liberal bone and you have to act a fool or they will run you out of town. Hey Hollywood, Hitler's dead and Satan hasn't completely taken over yet. But he's working on it. Amazing, here we are a democratic society and we let the Music Nazis and the Movie Mafia walk all over us. Alec Baldwyn, Mr. Susan Sarandon, Sean Penn, etc., will never been seen on the beach house tube again and there's a long, growing list of these cretins. You can have your opinions about politics, social issues, religion and so forth, but don't besmirch the United States or the President in public because you are under the influence of the idiot drug issued at the border. The RIAA and MPAA are probably passing it out.
Was going to reference an article in the San Jose Mercury News about spyware, but since they dropped a cookie (two popups followed quickly) on my PC without permission to hell with them. How close is San Jose to Hollywood? Along the same lines yet in a positive manner take a look at Michael Balboni, New York State Senator of the 7th district. Just Google search and he's all over the place. This dude is taking care of business. Created harsh laws to deal with terrorism (you go Mike!), defends the rights of children, and is dead set on ridding us of these cyberthugs. Wonder if our Mississippi lawmakers can hear their constituents?
"Science may have found a cure for most evils; but it has found no remedy for the worst of them all -- the apathy of human beings."
-Helen Keller
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