There are 5 new links posted at the bottom of the list.
1. KarenWare is a really neat site that has some handydandy utilities. Karen has many neat pieces of freeware and she maintains a very neat, easy to navigate site. Nice to see folks that upgrade frequently. She has a good newsletter too.
2. How Stuff Works is a fun and informative site, but get ready to be annoyed by popups. Glad my machines are trained to kill them silently. At least they are not dropping spyware on our PCs.
3. Dr. Speed is actually Aluria Software. When you click on this link it will test the speed of your internet connection. Just that easy. The results will be listed at the top of the graph. Nice utility.
4. is a kewl site that has many sections and deals with things computerese. They've been around a while and have been featured on TechTV's Call for Help. Chris Pirillo over at Lockergnome highly recommends this site.
5. Lockergnome was lost in the crash of '03. It's back and if you haven't visited in a while please take a look at this tech savvy page. It has changed format and is wayyyyy betta! Chris did a stint hosting Call for Help last year. He is a geek's geek. This dude is maxxed on the energy buzz and needs to stay away from Starbucks. His drive is reflected in a well produced page.
There's been lot of traffic concerning Incredifind. If you are still having problems please email me or leave your comment and I will gladly pass on any information I've acquired about removing this horrible piece of dung.
Gotta' run. Later dudettes n dudes.
"No one wants advice -- only corroboration."
-John Steinbeck, The Winter of Our Discontent
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