Actually, I'd like to own one. This is strictly out of a desire to service the few local print shops, etc. that use them. I certainly don't want to get involved in the home Apple repair business. The reason most people avoid trying to deal with Apple at a service level is the cost of parts and the potential heart attacks that can occur when handing a client the bill. So, I will try to curb my distaste of Mr. Jobs and his pack of orcs. One question, why do Apple people email and cover their tracks? Just curious.
There is a new link posted -->My Adventures with Hypoglycemia. A very well written page with a super layout about a subject we need to know more about. Charles has done his research and presents us an attractive page that is full of information. The symptoms list for hypoglycemia is astounding. Be sure and check out the fun part of the site; This is True link and Which Classic Move Are You (Easy Rider here, LOL). This weblog is a good example of how it's done for those new to blogging.
Have to go smile while being abused this morning because a mechanical device has failed. Human nature never ceases to amaze me. . .
"A sad soul can kill you quicker than a germ."
-John Steinbeck
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