Told you it was worth sticking to the end. They all rock, but Clapton is THE MAN!
"Life is one grand, sweet song, so start the music."
~Ronald Reagan
Sidebar: Folks, I am having a rough time, no use denying it. I've tried to stop talking about the recent fire devastation. Please pray for me. This is one of the toughest uphill battles yet encountered. David G. sent an email that lifted my spirits and I know he prays for me during this struggle. Please remember me in your prayers and help me get through this crisis. I find myself on my knees a lot seeking guidance and hope. Guess you could say all's not quiet on the western front... Thanks.
My friend, you know my prayers are always with you. If I can be of ANY help at all, I'll be glad to do whatever I can. Hope you get to feeling better about things. It'll all be okay. Don't beat yourself up. Unfortunate things sometimes happen. You and your home are still intact, and we (your friends and family) are thankful for that. You CAN get past this. Believe that like we all believe in you.
Thanks, my brother. This goes alongside David G's wonderful email.
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